
时间:2018-09-01 02:47:23
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小学生中秋节的英语作文 篇一

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese festival that is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month. It is a time for family reunions and expressing gratitude for the harvest. As a primary school student, I always look forward to this special festival.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, my family and I gather together to celebrate. We start the day by making and eating mooncakes, which are a traditional pastry. Mooncakes are round in shape and are usually filled with lotus seed paste or red bean paste. They are delicious and sweet, and I love the different designs on top of the mooncakes.

After enjoying the mooncakes, we go outside to admire the beautiful full moon. The moon is at its brightest and roundest on this night, and it symbolizes unity and harmony. We often bring lanterns with us and walk around the neighborhood, enjoying the sight of different lanterns lighting up the night sky.

Another highlight of the Mid-Autumn Festival is the lantern riddles. Lantern riddles are written on pieces of paper and attached to lanterns. People have to guess the answer to the riddle by reading the clues. It is a fun activity that tests our knowledge and creativity. I always try my best to solve as many riddles as I can.

In addition to these traditional activities, my school also organizes a Mid-Autumn Festival celebration. We have a special assembly where we learn about the history and significance of the festival. We also perform traditional dances and songs, and some students even recite poems about the moon. It is a great opportunity for us to showcase our talents and learn more about our culture.

I love the Mid-Autumn Festival because it brings my family closer together and allows us to appreciate the beauty of nature. It is a time for us to relax and enjoy each other's company. I also enjoy the festive atmosphere at school, where we can learn and have fun at the same time. The Mid-Autumn Festival is truly a special time for me, and I cherish every moment of it.

小学生中秋节的英语作文 篇二

The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the most important festivals in China. It is a time for family reunions, delicious food, and beautiful lanterns. As a primary school student, I always look forward to this festive occasion.

One of the things I love about the Mid-Autumn Festival is the delicious food. Mooncakes are the traditional food of this festival, and they come in many different flavors and designs. I enjoy eating mooncakes with my family and sharing different flavors with each other. It is a special treat that we only have during this time of the year.

Another highlight of the Mid-Autumn Festival is the lanterns. Lanterns come in various shapes and sizes, and they are often decorated with colorful patterns and designs. It is a tradition to hang lanterns outside our homes and also carry them while walking around the neighborhood. The lanterns light up the night sky and create a magical atmosphere.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, my family and I also enjoy outdoor activities. We often go to a park or a nearby open space to have a picnic. We bring delicious food, such as fruits and snacks, and enjoy the cool autumn breeze. Sometimes, we even play traditional games like shuttlecock kicking or flying kites. It is a time for us to bond as a family and have fun together.

In addition to these activities, my school also organizes a special event to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. We have a lantern-making competition, where students showcase their creativity and craftsmanship. There are also performances, such as traditional dances and songs. It is a joyous occasion where we can learn more about our culture and traditions.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for celebration and gratitude. It is a time for us to appreciate the beauty of nature and the importance of family. As a primary school student, I am grateful for the opportunity to celebrate this festival with my loved ones and classmates. The Mid-Autumn Festival holds a special place in my heart, and I will cherish the memories of this festive occasion forever.

小学生中秋节的英语作文 篇三




  Today is a happy Mid-Autumn festival, my mood is like the full moon in the sky, particularly bright. Because you can eat mooncakes and enjoy the!

  After dinner, our family enjoy the moon in the yard. Round bright moon hanging in the sky, like a mirror. Looked up, yi? A shadow on the moon, I think maybe that is the goddess of the moon sister's shadow and the shadow should be beside her moon rabbit. I really want to meet them, see lots of the goddess of the moon fairy and lovely yutu. But we are already step by step in the implementation of the flying dream. Maybe one day, I can also play with the goddess of the moon sister!

  "Eat mooncakes! Eat moon cakes!" Mother shouts broke my mind. See mom and grandma a big bowl of moon cakes to celebrate the Mid-Autumn festival. Moon cakes taste a lot of kinds, fruit flavor, beef flavor, smell of lotus... Grandmother ate and said that now the moon cake is so delicious! May the emperor didn't eat before! To make family laughed. I also eat the scratch that, mother touch my head and said: "look, zha of the house of the little cat!" In the yard chatting with a few old man sitting under the month this year's harvest, and people working. The neighbor's grandma to grandpa li sent a piece of her son just from Shanghai to send moon cakes, asked grandpa this bread after their taste? Her voice was as usual big thunder, the smiling face under the moon of the reflecting pool, sketched a half a distinct circular groove, smile so bright, so light, so proud.

  Watching all this, I can't help but think, how good our life now! Our China how prosperous and flourishing! I love the hometown of the Mid-Autumn festival! Home countries more round full moon!






  Another year, the Mid-Autumn festival night although some gloomy weather, but rays of dark clouds to resist the smiling face of the moon, also can not influence people to enjoy the good mood.

  Night just fell, the moon will blossom out of the charming smile, the earth is covered by moonlight, as if with a layer of golden curtain. Famed is the Mid-Autumn festival moon, not the kui, like ice slide wet ice hockey, and like a golden moon cakes to hang in the air, yutu may be preparing to steal to eat!

  The moon in our country is people praise since ancient times, Du Fuyou "deep white rabbit, value to say trick" of verse, wang also wrote "month as do hope tonight, do not know

autumn is chosen", in some poets, writers, "tracts", "jade", "white flocculant" sleeping "jade", "Dan", "sweet osmanthus", "curling" metaphor is too numerous to count. And "chang e", "wu gang felling laurel" such as touching legend, no matter how people praise it, how to describe it, one thousand years, the moon always shine with the light of infinite.

  Moon high up the sky, some stars in the foil with the bright moonlight. Back soon to launch satellite chang 'e 2, wish I could have more secrets known to the human, the moon also hope that the moon will be more beautiful.

  Between trance, I seem to see the moon gets bigger, the goddess of the moon, wu gang in waved to me...







